Northallerton Striders
Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to be a member of Northallerton Striders?
There is no cost to go on the first walk as a guest, so that you can try a walk and see if it is suitable for you.
Following this there is a £10 yearly charge to cover our insurance and other costs

What does the insurance cover?
The insurance cover for Northallerton Striders is third party only.     This does not cover injuries to yourself 

I already walk with the U3A / Ramblers / Strollers Wellbeing Walks / on my own, why should I join you?
We all know how enjoyable walking is and we all know that you need to do it regularly to get any health benefits.  Many of our members walk with other groups, with friends, or just on their own.   We walk alternate Fridays and Saturdays and we sometimes  organise Sunday walks, but we also encourage you to get out and walk every day of the week if possible. See our scheduled walks to look for extra walks.

How do you keep in touch?
Our preferred method of keeping in touch is by e-mail, so after you join we will add you to the distribution list. This web site has a lot more information, including our planned schedule of walks, extra walks, maps and general advice for walkers.  We will also hold regular meetings and we talk while we walk.

How do I find out about the scheduled walks?  Just click on Scheduled Walks on the left side bar.

Where can I find out more? Email - or just turn up and try one of the walks, see details of the location and times on the Scheduled walks on the left hand sidebar.

What’s the difference between the Striders and other walking groups in the area?

The Striders support Wellbeing Walks, which targets people who do not walk enough and gives them the opportunity to walk as part of a friendly, supportive group, with the idea that they will actually enjoy walking and want to carry on doing it regularly.  In Northallerton, Bedale and other local towns we have the Hambleton Strollers who run 30 minute and one hour Wellbeing Walks, and we have the U3A and the Ramblers who do full day walks, but there is nothing for the people in the middle. 

That’s where the Striders fit in, taking people who want more than the Strollers are able to provide but who do not feel they can manage a full day up hill and down dale.  Our typical walk will be around 4/5 miles in two hours – although we are quite prepared to find longer versions if people want more challenge.  We do not see ourselves in competition with the other groups, in fact we encourage people to walk as often as they can, with other groups, with their family and with friends.

Northallerton Striders organise walks in and around Northallerton, aimed at encouraging people to start walking and keep walking.


just making sure we have a vertical scroll bar, otherwise it jitters sideways.